
  • Our human reproduction is unique
  • The importance of a holistic approach
  • Why kids with “the facts” still need this unit
  • Why you should start young
  • The importance of ongoing discussion

Myths and Truths About Teaching Human Reproduction to Your Kids

rom a Family Physician-Mom

As a mom and a family physician, I understand many ways we can go wrong in teaching our children about human reproduction. This unit is designed to center this topic around a deeper, holistic understanding of cell division, neurology, and biology.  


Myth vs. Reality
  • Myth: If my child already knows “the facts,” they don’t need this unit.

    • Reality: Knowing the mechanics of reproduction is just the beginning. This unit provides a deeper, more holistic understanding. It explores crucial topics like brain development, healthy choices, and the importance of consent. These are essential for making informed decisions and navigating the complexities of adolescence and adulthood.  I cover the topics in a logical way that removes “shoulds” and introduces the kinds of issues parents worry about in the same way I teach all other lessons.
  • Myth: My child is too young for topics like sexting and boundaries.

    • Reality: Open communication starts early. By discussing these topics proactively, we empower our children to make safe and responsible choices. Even if they don’t have phones yet, kids can accidentally find themselves involved in something they don’t understand.  By the time you’re worried about it, it’s too late.
  • Myth: This is a one-time lesson.

    • Reality: My own kids have known a lot about human reproduction from a young age (kids of a doctor usually do) but we keep revisiting it again and again.  Their understanding chances over time.  The application to their life changes.  And their questions change.  Even in a household that already has open communication on these topics, it’s unlikely that your kids will bring up their confusion on their own.  Reintroducing the topic yourself allows them the opportunity to ask questions or talk with you about what they are hearing elsewhere.


Empowering You and Your Child

This unit is designed to be a resource for you and your family.

I always recommend that you take the time to watch the lessons all the way through.

Then watch the core lessons together and explore the special topics at your own pace. Use it as a springboard for open and honest conversations. Remember, every child is unique. Observe their curiosity and tailor your discussions accordingly.

As a parent, you are your child’s most important guide. By approaching this topic with openness, honesty, and a focus on their well-being, you can equip them with the knowledge and confidence to navigate the complexities of life with grace and resilience.


More Resources

As a family physician, I know what happens when people don’t understand their bodies.  I have designed my lessons to help kids grow into healthy adults.

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Willaim Wright

Voluptas feugiat illo occaecat egestas modi tempora facilis, quisquam ultrices.

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